California Gambling Statute

California Gambling Statute Average ratng: 8,6/10 4781 reviews

California Gambling Law

California lottery. We do not tax California Lottery or Mega millions. Visit Schedule CA Instructions for more information. How to report Federal return. Report your full amount of gambling winnings on U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (IRS Form 1040). Report your losses on Itemized Deductions, Schedule A (IRS Form 1040). California return. A class-action lawsuit filed in California against EA says that FIFA Ultimate Team violates the state's anti-gambling statute. Wright on August 17, 2020 at 8:57AM PDT 11 Comments. Those gambling devices shall not be displayed to the general public or sold for use in California regardless of where purchased, nor held nor manufactured in violation of any applicable federal law. A violation of this section is a misdemeanor. Penal Code, California Code of Regulations, United States Code, California Tribal-State Gaming Association Regulations, and the 1999 California Tribal-State Gaming Compact The statutes and regulations included in this publication are current as of January 1, 2019. This Gambling Law Resource book can also be reviewed on the.

The Coalition for Justice in Hawaiian Gardens and Jerusalem believes that Attorney General Bill Lockyer must determine that Irving Moskowitz doesn't meet the state law's requirements for the gambling license he needs to operate the 250-table casino he's building in Hawaiian Gardens. Read the law for yourself. We've used bold-face type to highlight relevant sections.

SECTION 19800-19808

19800. This chapter shall be known, and may be cited, as the 'Gambling Control Act.'

19801. The Legislature hereby finds and declares all of the following:

(a) The longstanding public policy of this state disfavors the business of gambling. State law prohibits commercially operated lotteries, banked or percentage games, and gambling machines, and strictly regulates parimutuel wagering on horse racing. To the extent that state law categorically prohibits certain forms of gambling and prohibits gambling devices, nothing herein shall be construed, in any manner, to reflect a legislative intent to relax those prohibitions.

(b) Gambling can become addictive and is not an activity to be promoted or legitimized as entertainment for children and families.

(c) (1) Unregulated gambling enterprises are inimical to the public health, safety, welfare, and good order. Accordingly, no person in this state has a right to operate a gambling enterprise except as may be expressly permitted by the laws of this state and by the ordinances of local governmental bodies.

(2) The State of California has permitted the operation of gambling establishments for more than one hundred years. Gambling establishments were first regulated by the State of California pursuant to legislation which was enacted in 1984. Gambling establishments currently employ more than twenty thousand people in the State of California, and contribute more than one hundred million dollars in taxes and fees to California's government. Gambling establishments are lawful enterprises in the State of California, and are entitled to full protection of the laws of this state. The industry is currently in significant decline, with more than half the gambling establishments in this state closing within the past four years.

(d) It is the policy of this state that gambling activities that are not expressly prohibited or regulated by state law may be prohibited or regulated by local government. Moreover, it is the policy of this state that no new gambling establishment may be opened in a city, county, or city and county in which a gambling establishment was not operating on and before January 1, 1984, except upon the affirmative vote of the electors of that city, county, or city and county.

(e) It is not the purpose of this chapter to expand opportunities for gambling, or to create any right to operate a gambling enterprise in this state or to have a financial interest in any gambling enterprise. Rather, it is the purpose of this chapter to regulate businesses that offer otherwise lawful forms of gambling games.

(f) Public trust that permissible gambling will not endanger public health, safety, or welfare requires that comprehensive measures be enacted to ensure that such gambling is free from criminal and corruptive elements, that it is conducted honestly and competitively, and that it is conducted in suitable locations.

(g) Public trust and confidence can only be maintained by strict and comprehensive regulation of all persons, locations, practices, associations, and activities related to the operation of lawful gambling establishmentsand the manufacture or distribution of permissible gambling equipment.

California Gambling Statistics

(h) All gambling operations, all persons having a significant involvement in gambling operations, all establishments where gambling is conducted, and all manufacturers, sellers, and distributors of gambling equipment must be licensed and regulated to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of this state as an exercise of the police powers of the state.

(i) To ensure that gambling is conducted honestly, competitively, and free of criminal and corruptive elements, all licensed gambling establishments in this state must remain open to the general public and the access of the general public to licensed gambling activities must not be restricted in any manner, except as provided by the Legislature. However, subject to state and federal prohibitions against discrimination, nothing herein shall be construed to preclude exclusion of unsuitable persons from licensed gambling establishments in the exercise of reasonable business judgment.

(j) In order to effectuate state policy as declared herein, it is necessary that gambling establishments, activities, and equipment be licensed, that persons participating in those activities be licensed or registered, that certain transactions, events, and processes involving gambling establishments and owners of gambling establishments be subject to prior approval or permission, that unsuitable persons not be permitted to associate with gambling activities or gambling establishments, and that gambling activities take place only in suitable locations. Any license or permit issued, or other approval granted pursuant to this chapter, is declared to be a revocable privilege, and no holder acquires any vested right therein or thereunder.

(k) The location of lawful gambling premises, the hours of operation of those premises, the number of tables permitted in those premises, and wagering limits in permissible games conducted in those premises are proper subjects for regulation by local governmental bodies. However, consideration of those same subjects by a state regulatory agency, as specified in this chapter, is warranted when local governmental regulation respecting those subjects is inadequate or the regulation fails to safeguard the legitimate interests of residents in other governmental jurisdictions.

(l) The exclusion or ejection of certain persons from gambling establishments is necessary to effectuate the policies of this chapter and to maintain effectively the strict regulation of licensed gambling.

(m) Records and reports of cash and credit transactions involving gambling establishments may have a high degree of usefulness in criminal and regulatory investigations and, therefore, licensed gambling operators may be required to keep records and make reports concerning significant cash and credit transactions.

19801.2. The Legislature further finds and declares as follows:

Appropriate regulation of banking and percentage games or of gambling devices consistent with public safety and welfare would require, at a minimum, all of the following safeguards:

(a) The creation of an adequately funded gambling control commission with comprehensive powers to establish minimum standards and technical specifications for gambling equipment and devices.

(b) The creation of an adequately funded law enforcement capability within state government to inspect, test, and evaluate gambling equipment and devices and modifications thereto.

(c) An appropriation by the Legislature to sufficiently fund a full-time commission and law enforcement capability with responsibilities commensurate with the expanded scope of gambling.

(d) The enactment of necessary regulations setting forth standards and procedures for the licensing of persons connected with the manufacture, sale, and distribution of equipment and devices in this state.

(e) The enactment of standards related to the trustworthiness and fairness of equipment and devices, upon the commission's recommendation to the Legislature.

(f) The enactment of statutory provisions governing the importation, transportation, sale, and disposal of equipment and devices, upon the commission's recommendation to the Legislature.

(g) The enactment of statutes providing for appropriate inspection and testing of equipment and devices, upon the commission's recommendation to the Legislature.

19802. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature, in enacting this chapter, to provide uniform, minimum standards of regulation of permissible gambling activities and the operation of lawful gambling establishments.

(b) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to preclude any city, county, or city and county from prohibiting any gambling activity, from imposing more stringent local controls or conditions upon gambling than are imposed by this chapter or by the board, from inspecting gambling premises to enforce applicable state and local laws, or from imposing any local tax or license fee, if the prohibition, control, condition, inspection, tax, or fee is not inconsistent with this chapter. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to affect the responsibility of local law enforcement agencies to enforce the laws of this state, including this chapter.

19804. (a) In any action for declaratory or injunctive relief, or for relief by way of any extraordinary writ, other than an action initiated pursuant to Section 19922, wherein the construction, application, or enforcement of this chapter, or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto, or any order of the division or the board issued pursuant thereto, is called into question, a court shall not grant any preliminary or permanent injunction, or any peremptory writ of mandate, certiorari, or prohibition, in connection therewith, except as follows:

(1) Upon proof by clear and convincing evidence that the division or the board is abusing or threatens to abuse its discretion.

(2) Upon proof by clear and convincing evidence that the division or the board is exceeding or threatens to exceed its jurisdiction.

(b) No temporary injunction or other provisional order shall issue to restrain, stay, or otherwise interfere with any action by the division or the board except upon a finding by the court, based on clear and convincing evidence, that the public interest will not be prejudiced thereby, and no such order shall be effective for more than 15 calendar days.

(c) Nothing herein shall be construed to relieve a petitioner's obligation to exhaust administrative remedies.

(d) In an action for relief of any nature wherein the construction, application, or enforcement of this chapter, or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto, or any order of the division or board issued pursuant thereto, is called into question, the party filing the pleading shall furnish a copy thereof to the division.

The copy shall be furnished by the party filing the pleading within 10 business days after filing.

19805. As used in this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:

(a) 'Affiliate' means a person who, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, a specified person.

(b) 'Applicant' means any person who has applied for, or is about to apply for, a state gambling license, manufacturer's or distributor' s license, or approval of any act or transaction for which division

approval is required or permitted under this chapter.

(c) 'Board' means the California Gambling Control Board.

(d) 'Controlled gambling' means to deal, operate, carry on, conduct, maintain, or expose for play any controlled game.

(e) 'Controlled game' means any controlled game, as defined by subdivision (e) of Section 337j of the Penal Code.

(f) 'Director,' when used in connection with a corporation, means any director of a corporation or any person performing similar functions with respect to any organization. In any other case, 'director' means the Director of the Division of Gambling Control.

(g) 'Division' means the Division of Gambling Control in the Department of Justice.

(h) 'Finding of suitability' means a finding that a person meets the qualification criteria described in subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 19848, and that the person would not be disqualified from holding a state gambling license on any of the grounds specified in subdivision (a) of Section 19850.

(i) 'Game' and 'gambling game' means any controlled game.

(j) 'Gambling' means to deal, operate, carry on, conduct, maintain, or expose for play any controlled game.

(k) 'Gambling enterprise employee' means any natural person employed in the operation of a gambling enterprise, including, without limitation, dealers, floormen, security employees, countroom personnel, cage personnel, collection personnel, surveillance personnel, data processing personnel, appropriate maintenance personnel, waiters and waitresses, and secretaries, or any other natural person whose employment duties require or authorize access to restricted gambling establishment areas.

(l) 'Gambling establishment' or 'establishment' means one or more rooms where any controlled gambling occurs.

(m) 'Gambling license' means any license issued by the state that authorizes the person named therein to conduct a gambling operation.

(n) 'Gambling operation' means one or more controlled games that are dealt, operated, carried on, conducted, maintained, or exposed for play for commercial gain.

(o) Except as provided by regulation, 'gross revenue' means the total of all compensation received for conducting any controlled game, and includes interest received in payment for credit extended by an owner licensee to a patron for purposes of gambling.

(p) Except as determined by regulation, 'independent agent' means any person who does either of the following:

(1) Approves or grants the extension of gambling credit on behalf of a gambling licensee or collects debt evidenced by a credit instrument.

(2) Contracts with an owner licensee, or an affiliate thereof, to provide services consisting of arranging transportation or lodging for guests at a gambling establishment.

(q) 'Institutional investor' means any retirement fund administered by a public agency for the exclusive benefit of federal, state, or local public employees, any investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Sec. 80a-1 et seq.), any collective investment trust organized by banks under Part Nine of the Rules of the Comptroller of the Currency, any closed-end investment trust, any chartered or licensed life insurance company or property and casualty insurance company, any banking and other chartered or licensed lending institution, any investment advisor registered under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. Sec. 80b-1 et seq.) acting in that capacity, and such other persons as the board may determine for reasons consistent with the policies of this chapter.

(r) 'Key employee' means any natural person employed in the operation of a gambling enterprise in a supervisory capacity or empowered to make discretionary decisions that regulate gambling operations, including, without limitation, pit bosses, shift bosses, credit executives, cashier operations supervisors, gambling operation managers and assistant managers, managers or supervisors of security employees, or any other natural person designated as a key employee by the division for reasons consistent with the policies of this chapter.

(s) 'Key employee license' means a state license authorizing the holder to be associated with a gambling enterprise as a key employee.

(t) 'Licensed gambling establishment' means the gambling premises encompassed by a state gambling license.

(u) 'Limited partnership' means a partnership formed by two or more persons having as members one or more general partners and one or more limited partners.

(v) 'Limited partnership interest' means the right of a general or limited partner to any of the following:

(1) To receive from a limited partnership any of the following:

(A) A share of the revenue.

(B) Any other compensation by way of income.

(C) A return of any or all of his or her contribution to capital of the limited partnership.

(2) To exercise any of the rights provided under state law.

(w) 'Owner licensee' means an owner of a gambling enterprise who holds a state gambling license.

(x) Unless otherwise indicated, 'person' includes a natural person, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, trust, joint venture, association, or any other business organization.

(y) 'Publicly traded racing association' means a corporation licensed to conduct horseracing and simulcast wagering pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 19400) whose stock is publicly traded.

(z) 'Qualified racing association' means a corporation licensed to conduct horseracing and simulcast wagering pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 19400) that is a wholly owned subsidiary of a corporation whose stock is publicly traded.

(aa) 'Work permit' means any card, certificate, or permit issued by the division or by a county, city, or city and county, whether denominated as a work permit, registration card, or otherwise, authorizing the holder to be employed as a gambling enterprise employee or to serve as an independent agent. A document issued by any governmental authority for any employment other than gambling is not a valid work permit for the purposes of this chapter.

19806. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed in any way to permit or authorize any conduct made unlawful by Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 319) of, or Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 330) of, Title 9 of Part 1 of the Penal Code, or any local ordinance.

19807. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, whenever the division or board is a defendant or respondent in any proceeding, or when there is any legal challenge to regulations issued by the board or division, venue for the proceeding shall be in the County of Sacramento, the City and County of San Francisco, the County of Los Angeles, or the County of San Diego.

19808. Upon the occurrence of one of the events specified in Section 66 of the act that added this chapter, any reference in this chapter to a section repealed upon the occurrence of one of those events shall be deemed to be a reference to the successor section of the same number with the suffix 'A' made operative pursuant to Section 66 of the act that added this chapter.

The Golden State has been known for its sunny beaches and lifestyle full of attractions and entertainment. When it comes to gambling in California, the options you have are more than enough to get any player excited with thrills that are rarely matched by other states. Stay with us until the end, as we’ll help you on your gambling journey with valuable insights and top industry tips objectively and professionally!

The topics we’ll cover include an overview of California gambling in the form of detailed observations around various betting options. Because slot machines and table games are very popular in CA, we’ll discuss the topic of casinos in California (tribal). If the racetrack or American football is of most interest to you, you’ll want to read about CA’s sports betting legality! Apart from that, poker and gambling laws will also be discussed, as well as interesting state facts!

California Gambling: Where to Legally Bet


  • California Gambling: Where to Legally Bet
    • California Sports Betting: Is It Legal?
  • An Overview of the CA Gambling Market
    • Famous Gamblers from The State
  • Frequently Asked Questions

In the following sections we will look at the most popular forms of gambling in the United States. Each section will break down the legality of the activity in question so that you will know exactly what you can and can’t do in California. Below you’ll see info regarding casinos, poker, online gambling, the lotto and more. Some of the topics will also have more comprehensive guides. Be on the lookout for those.

Land-Based Tribal Casinos in CA

Land-based casinos are quite widespread in the state, and for the fans of live-action, we are pleased to say that there are lots of operators. However, you should note that due to specifics of legal gambling in California, the main types are card rooms and Native American or tribal casinos. That’s not surprising since the Golden State prides itself with the largest variety of Indian casinos and resorts. Residents can indulge in vegas-style gaming optionsat tribal gambling establishments such as slot machines and much more. So don’t miss out on them!

In terms of gaming, slot machines and table games are a huge part of CA casino gambling. The number and variety of these games depend solely on the space and will of tribal casinos, but overall, you will be pleased with your choice. Although the importance of gaming options is unquestionable, most casinos have included promotions that can help in your gambling experience. Bear in mind that they are valid for a specific period and are usually daily of weekly bonuses.

Online Gambling California: Casino Sites

For the time being, online casinos aren’t banned or regulated in the state of California, meaning that you can enter operators if you’re willing to. Of course, you will be required by online casinos to provide various documents in the form of ID as underage gambling is never tolerated. Bear in mind that the operators you’ll come across are offshore, and we advise you always to double-check their legal status and whether their games are tested by third-party gaming laboratories. Speaking of games, here are some of the most popular choices you’ll be presented with at online gambling California casinos:

  • Online Slot Machines
  • Live Games
  • Table & Card Games
  • Video Poker
  • Jackpots
  • Scratch Cards
  • Bingo
  • Pai Gow

It’s hard to say which online casino to choose in the Golden State, but regardless of player preferences, we advise you to first start with safety. See if the operator is licensed by any official gambling regulator and whether it has a Secure Socket Layer certificate. The latter can be done easily by checking whether the URL is secure. Other subjective factors you can take into consideration are the available games, mobile device compatibility, and bonus requirements of the welcome offer you are about to claim. However, make sure to check our list of best US casinos where the excitement is guaranteed!

California Sports Betting: Is It Legal?

When it comes to legal gambling in CA, sports betting is a topic that is still unclear. There have been attempts to legalize it through the signing of a petition, initiated by California tribes. They wanted exclusivity on this market, meaning that only Native American casinos would be able to provide sports betting services. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, these plans were stopped, although the tribes were very close to receiving more than enough signatures on their petition. Until a new law passed, Sports betting remains illegal in the state.

Daily Fantasy Sports: and its Status in the State


Similar to other online gambling California choices daily fantasy is with unclear status. Although there was political will back in 2015 to legalize this type of gambling, the Senate didn’t act on the passing of the bill in the required time frame of 18 months. However, this doesn’t mean that DFS isn’t played in the Golden State and some of the operators that are available for Californians are leaders in the field. To name a few of the options, DraftKings is among the top daily fantasy choices, whereas FanDuel DFS is not far behind in terms of popularity. FantasyDraft is a great choice as well.

Poker – The Most Popular Game in CA

Since 2008, the Golden State has tried legalizing online poker, but for one reason or another, this hasn’t happened yet. The main showstopper is the passing of a bill that is suitable for all stakeholders, resulting in the unsuccessful signing of more than six different legislations. Generally speaking, online poker in California is nowhere near being officially legalized. If you wish to play the game in the State of California, you’ll need to visit a licensed card room or tribal casino.

The California Lottery: Numerous Games

More than 30 years have passed since the lottery in California has been legalized through the California State Lottery act of 1984. The main purpose of the passing of this act was for at least 34% of the revenue from this type of gambling to be used for the funding of schools without the need for an increase in taxes. This regulation resulted in more than $34 billion received by public school programs in 33+ years.

When it comes to the online lottery, its future status remains undecided, but for the time being, such draws aren’t allowed in the Golden State. Although the California State Lottery has its website, you still aren’t allowed to buy tickets remotely, and we do hope for this to change soon. One difference between lottery play and other gambling games in the state is the gambling age in California – while most other options require you to be at the age of 21, here you can participate if you are over 18 years old

An Overview of the CA Gambling Market

We’ve mentioned details around the legal status of gambling in the state of California, but in the following section, we’ll provide more insights on the current laws and regulations. Responsible gambling is also another subject that needs to be addressed properly, as many people are facing challenges with the addictions of this character. Last but not least, we’ll have a look at the historical background of the industry as well as interesting facts & famous gamblers in the state!

The Most Important California Gambling Laws

Gambling in the state of CA was unregulated for a long time, but fortunately for players, this came to an end. In 1984, California legalized gambling through the the Gaming Registration Act. Its main purpose being to monitor & regulate card rooms in California. However, the scope of its authority was limited, and the Gambling Control Act was enacted by the Legislature in 1997.

With the start of the new millennium, the need for new California gambling laws increased, and certain amendments had to be made. In the form of permitting Class III gambling (casinos) through amendments in the California Constitution, wagering was allowed on Indian land as long as the Tribe and the Senate run gambling safely and with transparency. Tribal casinos have grown in prominence since the passage of the new law.

Horse racing regulations are also another interesting subject we would like to analyze among gambling laws in California. For the time being, horse betting is the only market legalized offline and online, providing great opportunities for players. It is regulated by the California Horse Racing Board, which is an independent agency looking after the regulation of horse racing and pari-mutuel betting. Apart from that, it is also expected for the racing industry to back the sports betting initiative of tribes for legalizing this type of gambling as well.

When it comes to taxes, the percentage is fixed at 24% for all types of winnings except the ones claimed from lotteries. The gambling age in California depends on the game you play, with lotteries accepting 18-year-olds legally. However, other gambling types such as poker require you to be at the age of 21, which is the most common minimum age requirement at most gambling venues.

Resources for Responsible Gambling

Next in our gambling in California guide, we’ll go through responsible gambling. This is a very sensitive topic for those who are facing challenges with gambling addiction, and that’s why spreading gambling awareness and keeping residents informed about the risks has never been more needed. Fortunately, the Bureau of Gambling Control has joined forces with the Office of Problem Gambling in California with their main goal being to improve and ensure adequate treatment through the available pathological gambling programs.

The California Council on Problem Gambling is also another organization that can help with the responsible gambling mission. It offers full support for gamblers or people with loved-ones that experience gambling issues through various channels such as live chat, direct phone number, or messaging. These services are available 24/7, and gambling treatment professionals will gladly help those who are in need.

The History of Gambling in the State

When we talk about the history of gambling in CA, poker plays a huge role and can’t be left aside. When the Golden State was formed back in 1850, Poker was already quite popular across saloons. However, the other states were prohibiting poker play, and that’s why legislators in California decided to allow the game in a very interesting way!

What they did was to include in the California Constitution poker as a game of skill and not as a game of luck, therefore giving the green light to this type of gambling. After the official acceptance of poker in the state, horse racing followed and was officially regulated in 1933. Fifty years later, the lottery was also allowed, accounting for millions of dollars in state earnings, and not long after that, bingo halls were also made legal.

Famous Gamblers from The State

Each state has famous gamblers, and California is no exception to that. Below we’ve added some of the most recognizable gambling faces who are either residing or have been born in the Golden State. Their accomplishments speak for themselves, and with millions of dollars won, the people we’re about to present to you find their place among the top California gamblers!

Ben Affleck

Yes, you guessed it, we’re talking about the actor. While Mr Affleck might not be among the top 10 gamblers of all time, his love for poker is unconditional. Ben has participated in many tournaments and has total live earnings of $356,400. His biggest accomplishment is a first place in the California State Poker Championship 2004, but he was also seen participating in WSOP events as well. Furthermore, Ben is also entering regular cash games, as well as organizing poker charity events.

Justin Bonomo

Since Bonomo’s hometown is Los Angeles, he makes it on our list of famous gamblers from the Golden State. Justin’s field of expertise is poker, and we must admit that he surely is a player to be feared. With winnings of over $49 million, Bonomo makes the top 10 all-time money list, dethroning Daniel Negreanu from the first place in 2018. Other stats of this exceptional poker pro include 55 WSOP money finishes, 3 WSOP bracelets, and a total of $14,292,554 in WSOP prize money.

Interesting Figures Regarding the State

Did you know that Fallbrook, California is the “Avocado Capital of the World” and holds an annual festival? Have you heard that the largest tree in the world is 275 feet tall and is located in the Sequoia National Park? The Golden State is full of interesting details and fun facts, but apart from them we’ll have a look at the most important statistics of legal gambling in the state of California below:

Facts About California
Min. Income/year$45,760
Largest Land-based CasinoThe Pechanga Resort and Casino
Gambling CommissionerCalifornia Gambling Control Commission
Spoken LanguagesEnglish 39.5%, Spanish 25.8%, Chinese 2.6%, Tagalog 2%
Famous Sports TeamsSacremento Republic FC, Lancaster JetHawks, Oakland Panthers, LA Lakers
California Tax AuthorityCalifornia Department of Tax and Fee Administration
Link to the State Law
Gambling Winning Tax24%
State Website Link
California GamblersBen Affleck, Bill Klein, Justin Bonomo

Famous for its sports teams and summer atmosphere, California is a great state for those who want to permanently feel in vacation mode and experience the west side culture of the United States. However, the Golden State is one of the biggest in the country, and its influence in gambling is expected to grow in the future. We hope that sunny California will become one of the best places for gambling in the United States!

Conclusion: Final Thoughts & Future Outlook

After a brief run-through of the CA gambling options, it’s time for our final verdict. Online gambling in California still has a ways to go before residents can safely rely and trust online casinos and betting sites. Apart from that, sports betting needs to be further legalized, and we do hope that this happens sooner than later. Overall speaking, some steps need to be taken before we see any meaningfull expansion to CA gambling options, but this depends solely on the political will of legislators and the interests of voters.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve done our best to be as proactive as possible in our California gambling review, but still, there might be some questions that have arisen in the process. That’s why after collecting the most popular queries on the subject, we’ve made sure to provide their most anticipated answers in the following lines!

Is gambling legal in California?

Our guide to gambling and betting in California provides a comprehensive look at all available betting options. Some possibilities of legal play include:state lotteries, tribal casinos, horse racing and others. Bear in mind that only land-based gambling is fully legal in the Golden State.

California Gambling Statute Definition

What is the legal gambling age in California?

The California gambling laws are different depending on the gambling market you choose to enter. While some operators require players to be at least 21 years old, others may have lower restrictions, so overall speaking, there is no unified answer in that direction.

When will sports gambling be legal in California?

There have been many attempts to legalize sports betting in California but unfortunately, this still hasn't happened. However, tribes will surely want a piece of this market as well and have taken action through gathering signatures in an official petition for the benefit of sports betting fans.

What is the California tax rate for gambling winnings?

As one of the most interesting figures of California gambling, the tax rate on winnings is fixed. Since it is close to 25%, it is among some of the highest rates in the United States and forms a big part of the earnings from gambling in the Golden State.

California Gambling Statute Of Limitations

Who can own a casino in California?

When it comes to casino gambling in California, the situation is a bit tricky as formally this market isn't regulated in the state. However, when it comes to Native American operators, no regulation prohibits casino gambling, so you can play safely at Indian land-based casinos.