Extra Slots Rarity 11

Extra Slots Rarity 11 Average ratng: 9,5/10 5388 reviews
Welcome to our guide to the updated Cannith Crafting system! This guide will get you started. There are many tips, tricks, and things to discover, but here's what you need to know:
  1. Extra Slots Rarity 11 Years
  2. Extra Slots 2 Rarity 11
  3. Extra Slots Rarity 11 Fortnite
Cannith Crafting Workstations can be found in Eberron in House Cannith and House Kundarak. If your guild airship has the Cannith Crafting Amenity, then you can craft on your airship! You can also disjunct crafting items using a Remote Item Deconstruction device in the DDO Store.

Angelic earth XIII Level Req: 50 Spell Damage: 52 to 91 Mana Cost: 101 +2 Life Regen +9 Extra Equipment Slots +11% Life Steal +4% Parry Rare fire IX Level Req: 30.

Extra Slots Adds 2 More Augment Slots. When you augment your weapon with Extra Slots, you'll get 2 additional augment slots. This doesn't fill up any augment slot but costs rare materials & some Research Points. Find all our Slotomania Questions and Answers for FaceBook, iPhone/iPad, Android. The FAQ for Slotomania plus great forums and game help. Ghost Backpack (26 slots, very rare) or Pillow Backpack (24 slots, 14.5 oz., rare) or Backpack of Holding (24 slots, 15 oz.) For Paladins Helmet of the Ancients (Enchanted) (Arm 11 for 30 minutes) or Zaoan Helmet (Arm 9, physical +5%) or Demon Helmet (Arm 10). Iceborne Rarity 11 Slot Augment Materials? Spoiler So, I'm trying to get my Narga LS to a specific setup (I'm targeting two Affinity/one Status upgrade), and I need the Extra Slots upgrade to make it happen.

1. Disjunct an item at the Item Deconstruction Device to make it ready for crafting.
2. Craft a Minimum Level shard at a shard crafting device, which determines the minimum level of the item along with the power level of the shards crafted onto the item.
3. Craft shards of the benefits you want to apply to the item at a shard crafting device.
4. Craft the shards onto the item at an item crafting device.

Start with a basic item and disjunct it.

A disjuncted weapon

Create a Minimum Level Shard along with the other shards you want to put onto the item.

The scimitar after a Minimum Level 30 shard has been crafted onto it.

Apply the shard(s).

A Cannith Crafted Scimitar

That's it! That's enough to get you started. If you'd like to get even more information about how the system works, read on...

There is a single school for the new Cannith Crafting system. The level cap is 400, and your previously-earned Cannith Crafting XP will be added together and carried over.
Level 50: 1,256 Cannith Crafting XP
Level 150: 30,151 XP
Level 260: 245,580 <- where current maxed out crafters will end up when Update 32 is released.
Level 400: 650,040 XP
How do you level up? You will gain crafting experience by crafting shards and deconstructing items into essences. You can also find, win, or purchase Crafting Experience Elixirs to get even more XP when you craft!
Crafting higher level items and more powerful benefits is possible once you've gained enough Crafting XP. You can try to craft a shard even if you aren't high enough level, but there is a chance for the crafting recipe to fail, costing you the ingredients used to craft. You can craft recipes if you have at least a one percent chance of success.
  • Minimum Level shards will have a crafting difficulty of their level x 10, except for Minimum Level 1, which has a crafting difficulty of level 1. Unbound Minimum Level shards have a difficulty of their level x 10 + 50.
  • Scaling Effect shards like Strength and Spell Focus have a crafting difficulty level based on the group they are in:
    • There are three groups of scaling effect shards. Group 1 has a minimum crafting level of 1, Group 2 has a minimum crafting level of 50, and Group 3 has a minimum crafting level of 100.
    • Non-Scaling effects like True Seeing and Fearsome fall independently along the Cannith Crafting difficulty level curve.
  • Unbound versions of these shards add 150 to their crafting level, and Insightful versions of these shards add 175 to their crafting level.
There is now a single essence, rather than lesser and greater versions of essences. The old essences can be exchanged at a rate of 1:1 for the greater essences and 5:1 for the lesser essences. Old essences can be exchanged with new ones by visiting the crafting hall vendor.
When either randomly-generated or Cannith crafted items are deconstructed, they will award essences based on the minimum level of the item being deconstructed.
Old essences can be exchanged with new ones by visiting the crafting hall vendor
Collectibles will be used in all crafting recipes. These collectibles can be found throughout the game, and can be traded with friends or purchased through the Auction Houses. The DDO Store also offers the opportunity to get some random collectibles along with the chance to get specific rare collectibles at limited times.
Collectibles come in four different category types: Arcane, Lore, Natural, and Cultural. An Arcane device of a given level range has the chance to drop all items in that range. Backpacks/Rubble piles have the chance to drop all categories of collectibles for a given tier. The tier and the collectible device are the only determination on the collectables received.


Tier 1 (Levels 1-5):
Uncommon: Khyber Prayer Pamphlet
Common: Caravan Logbook, Phoenix Tavern Purchase Order
Uncommon: Research Diary, 'Wavecrasher' Cargo Manifest
Rare: Tome: Myths of Old Xen'drik, Tome: Stormreach Imports and Exports, 857 YK
Tier 3 (Levels 11-15):
Uncommon: House-Sealed Letter, Silver Flame Hymnal, Scholarly Notes
Rare: Tome: History of the Houses, Tomes: Lost Songs of Cyre, Tomes: Codes of the Aurum
Tier 4 (Levels 16-20):
Uncommon: Academic Treatise
Common: Mystical Formula
Rare: Encoded Communique
Tier 6 (Levels 26+):
Uncommon: Archaic Logbook


Common: Amber Vial
Rare: Vial of Contagion
Tier 2:
Uncommon: Powdered Blood, Sparkling Dust
Common: Ceramic Bowl, Singed Soarwood, Lodestone
Uncommon: Glass Phial, Charred Soarwood, Moonstone
Rare: Crystal Decanter, Lightning-Split Soarwood, Stellar Orb
Tier 4:
Uncommon: Silver Bowl, Vial of Heavy Water
Common: Mortar and Pestle
Rare: Prismatic Dust
Tier 6:
Uncommon: Pouch of Bone Fragments


Common: Sweet Whitecap
Rare: Pale Creeper
Tier 2:
Uncommon: Cryptmoss, Cryptmoss Worm
Common: Bruised Spore Pod, Sour Darkcap, Duskbrood Trumpeter
Uncommon: Intact Spore Pod, Fragrant Drowshood, Headsman Beetle
Rare: Flowering Spore Pod, Flowering Hellscap, Executioner Beetle
Tier 4:
Uncommon: Bloodfeast Fungus, Swaying Mushroom Spore Pod
Common: Slime Mold, Zygomycota Fungus
Rare: Scarlet Cryptmoss
Tier 6:
Uncommon: Hairy Trumpet


Common: String of Prayer Beads,
Rare: Icon of Khyber
Tier 2:
Uncommon: Signet of The Devourer, Mark of The Keeper
Common: Amulet of the Lost Empire, Small Planar Crystal
Rare: Amulet of the Archbishop
Tier 4:
Uncommon: Ivory Scorpion Icon, Polished Ore
Common: Smoldering Ember
Rare: Planar Talisman
Tier 6:
Uncommon: Ornate Charm


Arrows and Bolts can be created with a combination of Cannith Essences and Siberys Dragonshard Fragments, and include Holy, Acid, Frost, Flaming, Shock, and Bane arrows with an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5.

Extra Slots Rarity 11Rarity

Device Workstation:

The Device Workstation in House Cannith can be used to make traps, grenades, druid wolf companion collars and more! Cannith Essences are used in some grenades, traps, and collar recipes.

Rune Arms:

Some rune arms can be crafted on. The charge tier, spell, imbue, minimum level, and unique effects of rune arms stay after disjunction, while the other benefits of the rune arms are removed. Rune arms can have three effects crafted on them, just like random loot. Rune arms are treated like trinkets for the purposes of determining which shards can be crafted onto them.


Runestones can be crafted with a combination of Cannith Essences and Siberys Dragonshard Fragments, and can stun, petrify, or blind your enemies, among other things.

Extra Slots Rarity 11 Years


Craftable Trinkets can be purchased in the DDO Store, found rarely in random treasure, and can be acquired through the Risia Ice Games event.

Extra slots rarity 11 piece

Extra Slots 2 Rarity 11

  • Where you can place specific shards is the same as on randomly-generated loot.
  • Extra effect slots are not available on items under minimum level 10 (which is also true to randomly-generated loot.)
  • Material types (Adamantine, Silver) and Augment Slots are retained on an item after disjunction.
  • Marks of House Cannith add a 3rd extra effect slot to the item. These marks can be earned through House Cannith favor or purchased through the DDO Store.
  • Marks of Yugoloth (purchased in Amrath) and Marks of the Silver Flame (Available after earning 400 Silver Flame Favor) are used to craft certain non-scaling effects.
  • Bound Shards are Bound to Account, while Unbound Shards are Unbound.
  • Old (pre-Update 29) randomly-generated loot can be Deconstructed, but not Dissolved. Only loot created under the new random generated loot system can be Dissolved into Cannith Essences.
3.11 Update (READ FIRST):

I do not recommend this build in 3.11 for anyone who wants to play optimally. I've been playing around with this build in PoB and it is no longer that great. It is still a very viable build, for anyone who wants to play it because they enjoy cyclone/melee/unarmed, but it definitely is not going to be a premier build unless some of the other nerfs hit builds harder than I thought. A new baseline version of this build deals around 5 mil dps with good tankiness. A high damage somewhat minmaxed version deals around 8-9 mil dps. That said the min maxed version costs a similar amount to what a split personality variant which could deal in excess of 30 mil dps with more tankiness would have cost last league. The high end of the build is much weaker than before. As such, I've decided to not do a full update of the build guide for this league. I will still be supplying updated PoBs for anyone who desires to run the build this league, but again, I do not recommend it for optimal play. It is still a viable and fun build, but will no longer be melting bosses with minimal investment (as deep cuts carried a ton of the build's damage). It is still capable of all content, as the defense has not decreased, but it is just slower. As such, I'd primarily recommend it for more casual players as long as they have a decent budget.
Baseline PoB (4.5-5 mil dps, up to 6.5 mil if you've blocked a bunch of hits recently): https://pastebin.com/A1Wfxqnp
High End PoB (nuts watcher's eye and wildwrap, 8-9 mil dps baseline, up to 11 mil dps if you've blocked a bunch recently): https://pastebin.com/9cM2nG8t
If anyone does still want to run this build, I'm still happy to answer questions.

Hi, I'm Arcayn. I started playing PoE in 3.0 (Harbinger League), and this is my first build guide. Any feedback is appreciated.
This build utilizes the new unique cluster jewel One with Nothing in order to scale damage via dexterity, allowing the build to achieve near max block while still having amazing evade and passable damage. The Hollow Palm keystone is quite broken right now, but most people are using it to get 40m+ DPS on Zerkers with only a 10 ex budget. While those builds are of course cool, much more effective builds can be created by utilizing the absurdly powerful scaling offered by the keystone to achieve good damage with minimal investment, allowing for most of our skill points to be invested in life and block.

Pros and Cons:
-Enough DPS to comfortably do all bosses (3-4+ million dps). Can reach 8-10 mil dps with high investment (even more with gg amulet and chest).
-73%/73% Block when Rumi's Concoction is up. Up to 79/79 if you've blocked 6 hits within the last 10 seconds. 79/79 base with the Split personality variant (min/maxed).
-72% evade with Jade flask up, giving a total 96% chance to avoid damage from hits
-5-6k life using dex stacking + Garukhan's flight (5-5.5k at lvl 90)
-2k life leech per second. On the rare occasion you do get hit, you will leech to full nearly instantly.
-Freeze immunity from Cyclopean Coil
-200% movement speed
-Not the greatest dps, bosses can take a while.
-Difficult to cap res. Need to take all-res nodes on tree unless quite rich.
-Chaos Res is a luxury. Can get up to roughly 0% or higher with high investment, but given the very low slots available, it's hard to get much. Luckily, given the high block and evade, chaos damage from hits is not scary, so there's no worry about getting oneshot by Al-Hezmin's mobs or the Incursion Temple vaal shooter things. The main danger is ground degens, as they do not hit and as such are not blocked or evaded. Don't stand on caustic ground and you are not in too much danger.


Read 3.11 update for new PoBs.

Gearing Tips (still good for 3.11):
This build does not use weapons or gloves, as it employs the Hollow Palm Keystone
Body Armor :

Best body armor which is not super expensive is an astral plate with high life and res. Antireflect and -mana cost chests are a bait. The -mana cost chest can easily be replaced by either an enduring mana flask or some mana leech from a Fuel the Fight on a cluster.
The much better option (but 15 ex+) is a high life, dex and res armor.


Astramentis is BiS for this build. Even an amulet with high dex, life, and %increased attributes costing 10 ex results in a loss in both Damage and Life when compared to Astramentis. Anoint with Forceful Skewering to avoid having to path through a strength area. Pathing through dex=getting more damage and life, so it should be avoided.


Cyclopean Coil is BiS. Get a 15% increased attributes roll if possible. Don't forget to use intrinsic catalyst on this and Astra.


High res, high life and high dex are the priority. Mana leech is a good quality of life but not necessary. Getting more res can save you up to 5 points, allowing you to spec into either more damage or life, as you won't need to take the elemental res passives on the tree. If getting 100+ res rings with good life and dex, you can get cheaper rings and use rares in the helmet and boot slots with some res in order to make up for it. Using a rare in the boot slot combined with cheaper rings can reduce the price of the build by as much as 5 ex, but loses out on quite a bit of tankyness.


Starkonja's is the default choice, as it is very cheap even with very good rolls (try to get 68+ dex and at least mid 90s for life). If you want to get more res, try to buy a rare evasion helmet with 80+ life, 50+ dex, and 50+ res. Can get a good helm for a mid price range. If you've got the money, this is generally a good upgrade over starkonjas, as it will allow you to buy either cheaper rings (lowering the overall build cost even though the helm costs more), or rings with less res and other QoL mods (such as mana leech or vuln on hit, which is expensive an OP). If it will allow you to drop Res nodes on the tree, go for it and get some more life or damage.
Here's an example of a top tier rare:
The only issue with it is that the base is not pure evasion. But the massive life and good dex is worth it. The small loss in attack speed and dex is worth the defense gains. If you can spec out of res on tree and into some more damage, 4-5 more points of damage (or better yet, dex) on the tree will lead to a net increase in damage, and a net life increase in the hundreds if you grab more dex.


BiS is by far Garukhan's flight. If you can't afford the steep price tag (4 ex+) try to get rare boots with high dex, life, 30% ms, and res. Having res on the boots also decreases the price of the rest of the build, so dropping garukhan's flight let's you go mega budget (worse chest and rings possible with rare boots and helm), but the build loses a lot of life without Garukhan's.

Utility + Damage:
Graceful Assault
Charging Offensive
Disciple of Slaughter (can drop Blood Frenzy losing the degen, expensive)
Singular Focus
Ambidexterity (less cheap, but still cheap)
Swift Skewering (if using variant without it, mid price)
Master of Force (best damage option, mid price)
Pure Utility:
Cleansed Thoughts (if trying to max chaos res, expensive)
Hardened Scars (allows you to drop Fortify support for Melee Phys, and still have perma fortify. Best if used with blood of the Karui flask. If running blood of the Karui, you should have a anti corrupted blood jewel)
Discipline and Training (for more life)
Last edited by Arcayn13 on Jun 19, 2020, 5:45:03 AM
Posted by
on Mar 25, 2020, 7:21:31 AM
Your build looks great!
I'm looking to level as a gladiator as well.
Have you tried infernal blow or smite? What are you thoughts on those two skills with hollow palm?
Posted by
on Mar 25, 2020, 3:25:53 PM
Your build looks great!
I'm looking to level as a gladiator as well.
Have you tried infernal blow or smite? What are you thoughts on those two skills with hollow palm?

Infernal Blow has anti-synergy with this build, as the build relies on impale and pure phys stacking to deal damage. Impale stores only phys damage, so converting half of our phys to fire, when impale supplies 75% of our dps, completely gimps the build. To make Infernal Blow work well with Hollow Palm, you'd need to create a Fire-Conversion Chieftain build which does not utilize impale.
While Smite does work with impale, it's main issue is that it is less mobile than Cyclone and deals less damage than Frenzy. Unless you want to run Smite for flavor, it's almost universally better to just run Frenzy and drop a bit of block to grab 2 (or 3) extra frenzy charges. You also can't run Brutality support, which adds a ton of damage, with Smite, or you would completely miss out on Smite's added lightning damage buff.
It's possible to modify this build for Frenzy, only losing a little bit of life and 3% block, while gaining 2m dps, bringing the dps up to 4m. All you have to do is drop Heart of Oak and Aspect of the Panther. Then pick up the nodes Fervour and Savagery (+1 max frenzy charges each). Run Frenzy in the 6 link set up, with Frenzy-Impale-MeleePhys-Brutality-Multistrike-Fortify, and swap multistrike and brutality out for melee splash and ancestral call when not bossing. The build is less mobile and very slightly less tanky, but deals way more damage.
Also a quick tip for leveling – path straight to the cluster jewel socket near Ranger and socket Hollow palm, then use the next couple levels to grab some Dexterity. Socket Astramentis then start just stacking life. The jewel's scaling is busted early, as the flat added phys is balanced for maps and does not scale with level. Just having it + Astra + some Dex from tree gives you enough damage to phase A10 kitava in a few seconds. And you're in act 2 at this point lol. From there on you can just stack health, and come out of acts with 3-4k health already, and a 100k+ tooltip dps, before even investing in any real damage.
Last edited by Arcayn13 on Mar 25, 2020, 7:38:05 PM
Posted by
on Mar 25, 2020, 7:28:24 PM
Posted by
on Mar 26, 2020, 4:38:22 PM
Hey! I am currently leveling this build and will update on findings. It looks great so far.
Currently using these for mana issues and damage. I recommend highly. I also am looking for something thats not an astramentis but that may be pricy.
Posted by
on Mar 26, 2020, 7:14:38 PM
How does this build handle reflect?

It doesn't. Just have to reroll maps that have reflect, but that's the case for just about every phys build.
Posted by
on Mar 26, 2020, 7:18:13 PM
Hey! I am currently leveling this build and will update on findings. It looks great so far.
Currently using these for mana issues and damage. I recommend highly. I also am looking for something thats not an astramentis but that may be pricy.

In my opinion Astramentis is the most cost efficient for the neck slot. You can of course buy an amulet with high life, high dex, % increased dex, and % increased attributes, but those amulets are SUPER expensive, even if you drop one of the mods. Those rings are definitely nice, and vulnerability on hit is a large damage increase, but you may have trouble finding good enough rings res and dex wise late game that also have those mods. You generally want rings with 60+ life, 50+ dex, and 100+ res, but that sort of ring is expensive. The high res is what enables for uniques in the helmet, neck, boot, and belt slots. If you want to drop one of those uniques, you can then get better rings as you have an extra slot for res. The issue is if you do drop something like the belt or boots, getting an adequate substitute even without res is still expensive. Adding on res in those slots with a belt that is better for dex stacking with cyclopean coil could easily be a 3-4 ex belt or more.
Last edited by Arcayn13 on Mar 26, 2020, 7:23:19 PM
Posted by
on Mar 26, 2020, 7:21:22 PM
I totally agree with what you are saying about astramentis and the rings. I'm gonna keep on with the vulnerability one but I did end up switching out of the minus mana ring for
Scaling pretty dang well so far. I love the block
Posted by
on Mar 27, 2020, 8:08:27 PM
It does scale very well. Glad the block feels nice. I'm running this is as zerker, but this build is my 'if I could go back I'd do this instead'. The zerker had way more damage than necessary, so I scaled back and dropped a bunch of damage to get 7k life. But he has no layered defenses, so he still gets popped pretty frequently. The gladiator is a way better build and the layered defenses should make him an amazing boss killer. I'm just too lazy to go back and level a duelist lol.
For your rings, Vulnerability on hit is just insanely good. If you can cap res and the ring has decent dex and life on it, definitely keep it. Will be a major boost to your damage without losing much survivability. As for the -mana cost ring, as long as you get an enduring mana flask and a tiny bit of mana leech anywhere, you're perfectly fine. You might not even need the mana leech for glad as long as you can sustain your flasks. My zerker does fine with just flask + leech even when I pop Berserk and attack 20ish times per second.
As for the amulet, I did some checking, and I lose both life and damage when swapping from an astramentis to a god tier amulet with a ton of dex, life, and %increased attributes. There was only one on the delirium market like it and it was 40 ex. And lost damage AND life versus astramentis. Astra is just too good for this build to pass up.
Last edited by Arcayn13 on Mar 27, 2020, 9:24:25 PM
Posted by
on Mar 27, 2020, 9:20:58 PM
Where is your leech coming from? I'm not seeing anything on the POB. so far enjoying it, but not quite at mapping and worried the rings are going to kill me cost wise. already spent a fortune (for me) on the chest/boots.
Last edited by Nashiq on Mar 28, 2020, 4:09:33 AM
Posted by
on Mar 28, 2020, 4:00:33 AM

Extra Slots Rarity 11 Fortnite

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